Hydraulic lub tog raj kheej leakage tsom xam

Hydraulic thooj voos kheej kheej yog dav siv nyob rau hauv ntau yam lag luam.Thaum lub sijhawm ua haujlwm, tej zaum yuav muaj cov pa tawm sab hauv lossis sab nraud vim qhov tsim tsis tsim nyog lossis xaiv cov khoom siv foob.Yog li lub tshuab kev ntseeg siab thiab lub neej kuj cuam tshuam.

tsom xam 1

Hom lub tog raj kheej to

Kev xau feem ntau tshwm sim tom qab lub sijhawm siv.Feem ntau muaj ob hom to: sab hauv to thiab sab nraud to.Cov to sab nraud tuaj yeem pom tau yooj yim los ntawm cov tsos thaum lub qhov to hauv sab hauv yog qhov nyuaj los kuaj pom.

Sab nraud to thiab ua rau

tsom xam 2

(1)Cov dej ntws tawm ntawm lub raj thiab lub nplhaib taw qhia
Muaj cov ntsaws ruaj ruaj ntawm lub raj thiab lub nplhaib taw qhia.Yog tias cov ntsaws ruaj ruaj tsis zoo, khawb, deformation lossis qhov roughness ntawm lub raj thiab lub nplhaib coj, cov no yuav ua rau cov pa tawm.

(2)Kev sib tsoo ntawm tus pas nrig thiab lub taub hau hau
Cov ntsaws ruaj ruaj ntawm pas nrig thiab lub taub hau cap yog dynamic.Kev ua haujlwm tsis zoo ntawm lub raj, lub taub hau, pas nrig thiab piston yuav ua rau tus pas nrig incline thaum ua haujlwm.Yog li cov ntsaws ruaj ruaj nyob rau hauv lub taub hau cap yuav deformed thiab ua rau to.

(3)Cov dej ntws tawm ntawm lub raj thiab lub taub hau
Yog hais tias cov khoom foob yog ib qho nyuaj heev, deformed los yog puas, nws yuav ua rau to.

Sab nraud to thiab ua rau

tsom xam 3

(1) Los ntawm piston thiab raj
Lub foob ntawm piston thiab raj yog dynamic.Yog tias peb xaiv qhov tsis ncaj ncees lawm ntawm cov ntsaws ruaj ruaj lossis cov ntsaws ruaj ruaj nrog cov khoom siv tsis zoo, kev ua haujlwm tsis zoo, kev huv tsis zoo, thiab lwm yam, tag nrho cov khoom no tuaj yeem ua rau sab hauv.

(2) Cov dej ntws tawm ntawm pas nrig thiab piston
Lub foob ntawm tus pas nrig thiab piston yog zoo li qub thiab lub foob channel feem ntau yog tsim los ntawm tus pas nrig.Yog tias hom foob tsis raug, nws yuav ua rau sab hauv to.

Cov khoom tseem ceeb ntawm YANTAI FAST Automatic Equipment Company Limited yog hom pneumatic actuators tswj qhov chaw cua ua haujlwm fittings nqus qhov chaw, hydraulic actuator spneumatic systems, hydraulic systems packing machines thiab yas thread drawing machines.

Cov hydraulic actuators suav nrog YGX series minisize hydraulic kheej kheej, LYG serieshydraulic lub tog raj kheejYG series hydraulic lub tog raj kheej uas tau tsim los ntawm Japanese JISB8354-1992standard, FHSG seriesengineering hydraulic kheej kheej, CD series hnyav hydraulic thooj voos kheej kheej, Y-HG1 series metallurgical txheem hydraulic thooj voos kheej kheej, tshwj xeeb tsheb hydraulic kheej kheej thiab tsim ntau yam tsis-tus qauv hydraulic kheej kheej rau cov neeg thov.

Cov tshuab hydraulic suav nrog cov hydraulic system sib dhos thiab cov khoom siv sib xyaw uas peb tsim thiab tsim los ntawm koj qhov kev ua haujlwm thiab thov xws li siab, flux thiab kev thov txog.

Peb tuaj yeem tsim ntau yam khoom tsis zoo thiab cov tshuab.

Post lub sij hawm: Aug-31-2022